Friday, November 27, 2009

Blogging. A Marathon and not a Sprint.

It might be imagined that I have been too busy to blog. Not so. True enough, my last entry was almost a whole year ago, but that has more to do with pacing than with being too busy. Sure enough, there are some who desire more--you know who you are--but the pillars of my blogging philosophy remain in tact. Give folk just enough that they want more. Commit to honesty over hurriedness, vulnerability over volume. Recognize that blogging is a marathon and not a sprint.  


Michael and Mandy said...

Surely, you don't mean that those of us who post more regularly are prone toward dishonesty and superficiality. Yes, sometimes I am hurried as I post and do feel it a bit of a burden (sometimes), but I do it as a service to family who live far away from their grandchildren. And there is certainly the temptation to only present the lovely moments on the blog...but I think most people who read our blog know better and would likely call us on it.

Enjoyed the movie review. The older I get, the less able I am to visually consume that kind of intensity on the screen - especially films that present darkness and evil. It is like I absorb it and can't shake it - even with the help of reviews like yours that help me think it and not just feel it.

Happy New Year! Still miss everyone there.

Michael and Mandy said...

By the way, that was Mandy responding, not Mike. :)

Mark Ryan is said...

You are quite correct, Mandy. I don't mean that those who post more regularly are prone toward dishonesty and superficiality.

My remarks were self-referential and were uttered with my tongue in my cheek.

We miss you all as well and trust that 2010 is a great year for the McBride family